
Stonestore and a barn.                                                                                                                                        Photo: J-A Månsson




Genealogy Started it

Hjalmar Berglund was our very own genealogist and the man who inspired the society's formation. Now many follow in his footsteps to explore the unknown areas in the family tree, and we naturally want to facilitate your own family research.

Our three genealogists in our society are all willing to help you and answer questions if you have any. You may contact them by e-mail directly and they will answer as soon its possible.

AllGen – Genealogy list

Arne Olsson is the force behind AllGen. AllGen is short for All Generations and are our family records in the form of Genalogy lists.

Arne started AllGen in 2003 with Hjalmar Berglund’s lists consisting of 3000 posts in an Excel-file. He has since then supplemented the data with the help from various genealogists within the society and without. This work continues and the latest report from Arne mentions that we now have more then 25 400 posts in AllGen as the family grows.

Do you want to aid our research?

Now you can browse AllGen on your own and see who of your family members are recorded and who are not. With your detective work we can fill in all the “unknowns” in the lists. Who knows, maybe genealogy will appeal to you? The society will always need younger talents who are interested in keeping the work and genealogy alive and kicking in the future. 

The oldest Family Member living in Sweden is 448318-3 Karin Gustafsson who is born 1912-05-11 in Förkärla.


Långörasläkten © 2011  • E-mail: webbansv@langoraslakten.org